Geschwandtner, Vienna
#L0V3_H4CK1N6 is one of two open working groups of WIENWOCHE 2016.
For WIENWOCHE, an open working group under the project name #L0V3_H4CK1N6 has set out to explore today’s economies of love and courtship: in the city, on the streets, in the mating apparatus ‘nightlife’ and on various online platforms. They dated each other and are now true experts on smut as well as matters of the heart – finally they have found the ‘love that is a good’ within themselves. How do self-promotion and intimacy work in love markets and online dating? Along which hierarchies does our mating behaviour trend? In a 24-hour performance, the reconnaissance group shared its vacuous knowledge. The first test run of the system was a 24 hour dating-marathon from 24. September 2016 12 noon onwards.
I present myself in the best way possible. Regardless of my personal needs and preferences, I treat my fellow participants respectfully. Mean behavior (sexist, racist, homophobic, etc.) will not be tolerated and result in immediate G4M3 0V3R. As part of # L0V3_H4CK1N6 I am allowed any expression of love and closeness with the other participants as long as I respect their personal limits.
Only a YES is a YES.
I say YES to # L0V3_H4CK1N6!